At 11:28 AM +0800 7/28/03, Neil Houghton wrote:
> In OSX this will let me make a disk image of the Mac format "Simon"
multimedia volume but it won't work on the "Audio CD".

If I boot into OS9, I can make disk images of both "Simon" and "Audio CD 1"
but then when subsequently attempting to mount these images "Simon" mounts
OK but "Audio CD 1" gives the error messages:

"The Mount Image operation did not complete.(-58)"
"The disk 'Audio CD 1.img' cannot be read on this MacOS computer"

How do you do this? I'm running OSX10.1.5 and if I fire up Disk Copy and go
to Image/New Image from Device, it won't let me select disk1 which is the

Disk Copy is mainly concerned with volumes/partitions (ie. your audio, macos and windows), rather than whole devices (your whole CD).

In this selection window, with the enhanced CD, the multimedia volume
shows up as "disk1s12 CD_ROM_Mode_1" after the final "disk1s11 CD_DA" audio

What you're after is something that will copy the whole CD, bit for bit, rather than just it's individual partitions. Toast is what you're after (or any CD-burning application, PC or Mac), and you want to do a 'Disk Copy' from within that application (the name conflict might be where the confusion's coming from).

Did this work for you before you upgraded to 10.2 or 10.2.6 or is it new
functionality I could get by upgrading?

I think Susan was just copying a single partition. Disk Copy works fine for that sort of thing.

At 10:59 AM +0800 7/28/03, Neil Houghton wrote:
If I boot into OS9, I can make disk images of both "Simon" and "Audio CD 1"
but then when subsequently attempting to mount these images "Simon" mounts
OK but "Audio CD 1" gives the error messages:

"The Mount Image operation did not complete.(-58)"
"The disk 'Audio CD 1.img' cannot be read on this MacOS computer"

I suspect that the type of partition is set to 'Mac OS', even though the data inside it is audio. Hence, your Mac is trying to mount it as a MacOS partition, and giving you the error because it can't recognise the format of the internal bits.

Hope this helps,

HyPEraCtiVE? HeY, WhO aRE YoU cALliNg HypERaCtIve?!