On 25/8/03 4:56 PM, "Katinka Mills" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: WAMUG Mailing List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bob
>> Howells
>> Sent: Monday, 25 August 2003 4:55 PM
>> To: WAMUG Mailing List
>> Subject: Another hit against Microsoft
>> Macintouch 25.8.03
>> Cnet Asia reports on a Chinese initiative to eliminate Windows
>> dependence:
>> A new policy from China's governing body states that all government
>> ministries must buy only locally produced software at the next upgrade
>> cycle.
>>   The State Council's move, aimed at breaking the dominance
>> of Microsoft on desktop computers,
>> will eliminate Microsoft's Windows operating system and
>> Office productivity suite from hundreds of thousands of
>> Chinese government computers over the next few years.
> ROFLAMO, this is great only for one problem, what will replace it, I know of
> no "locally produced" software from china. Most of the *nix's are
> international collaborations </me shrugs, maybe some new upstart business in
> China will start making OS and Office software> Anything is better than M$
> only wish the companies that manufactured engineering tools like Protel
> would listen (that is all that keeps this machine using M$ software)
> Regards,
> Kat.
> ---
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Actually there is apparently a locally produced equivalent to MS Office.
I can't recall it's name, but it was quoted in the story in The Australian
yesterday. And this is what the Chinese government has instructed to be used
in place of MS Office.
Stephen Chape