Hi all,

A client who uses (is stuck with) bigpong adsl has had some mysterious traffic during the night lately.

Twice so far, around 50mb.
Strange that there may be no traffic for an hour then an hour totaling maybe 20mb.

He closes the lid on his G4 PB and goes to bed.
Then maybe all the toys awaken...
His connection is through a netcomm NB1300 adsl modem/router to airport extreme to laptop running Panther.

To stay below 500mb per month, he closely monitors his usage at bigpong's website, so he noticed the upsurge in usage.

Helstra hasn't given an explanation, only an offer to remove the mystery usage. My 1st hunch was his much loved BBC radio streams, but they are thin ones at 16 or 32kbps or so.
Not to mention the computer is off/asleep.
2nd was Software Update, the installed updates list is empty however.

When I first met with him, I bet him a fizzy drink he wouldn't last out his contract with bigpong. I'd forgotten but he reminded me today, I think I'll make it a bondi cola.

I'm most curious though, can anyone hazard a guess as to what this may be? My current stab in the dark is a glitch (or hack) in helstra's monitoring system, could someone be stealling bandwidth/throughput from bigpong?

'Curious Captain...'
