On 19/02/2004, at 9:43 AM, Shay Telfer wrote:

Is it possible the BigPond traffic logs are updated sometime during the evening, leading to the big jump?

It was an hourly usage chart I was looking at.
The weirdest part was the sporadic nature of the usage from hour to hour, up and down, no real pattern.

It's also possible there are some folks doing nasty denial-of-service stuff.

One possibility is installing HenWen and Snort or running a packet sniffer to see what's coming down the line. Of course it's possible it's blocked at their router, but you still get charged for it.

So, would a monitoring tool still show anything if this traffic is being blocked at their modem/router? I looked at tcpdump/ipaudit and it's either too humid or they seem too tough to implement, given the fact he is gonna switch ISP regardless.

For the money he has paid 'them', I see his treatment/service as despicable. Aside from this he has had multiple issues with this ISP, their attitude and service level throughout has been well below par.
If 'they' were dentists I think ppl would be less forgiving.

So far opinions have lead me to believe it's not 'them' causing this but some other possibly malicious entity, if so does anyone think that this kind of attack could occur despite who the ISP is? In other words do any ISPs attempt to stop or filter this kind of thing or are we on our own?

Have fun,

Thanks Shay, I am.
