On 19/02/2004, at 1:19 AM, Bob Jackson wrote:

At 12:08 AM 19/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] eloquently proclaimed...........

Hi all,

A client who uses (is stuck with) bigpong adsl has had some mysterious traffic during the night lately.


Helstra hasn't given an explanation, only an offer to remove the mystery usage.

At 12:46 AM 19/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where would I snoop?
Should I wear a trenchcoat, drink Scotch and talk to myself?
Would the airport know who is using it?

A suggestion. Those people who do not share your sense of humour will become unwilling to provide assistance. The choice is yours.


I call it as I see it.

Humorless assistance is not what I'm looking for but thanks anyway.
