On Monday, April 12, 2004, at 05:36  PM, Mike Murray wrote:

Yes, in the classic environment, but Pagemaker is sluggish in classic and the pages don't redraw too well, so I often reboot into 9.2
By the way, Pagemaker's been rock solid for me for a long time.
Document is 1.8Mb
256Mb RAM
2 Gb free disc space

OK !    I don't know Pagemaker at all ... but


There are some funnies sometimes ... I am thinking of word, for example ... where if you save and then later save again you progressively get an increase in file size and an accumulation of all the changes. For Word I would occasionally do a " save as "
which starts afresh in a way.

If you have not already done so , increase the allocated Ram to Pagemaker , delete Pagemaker preferences ( or at least drag them out of your system file to a parking spot )
and reboot.  The system will make new default preferences .

It might give you the chance to get into the file to manipulate it.

Depending on how you use use Classic, you may have an alternative approach ! Under Classic " advanced " there is an option to use "home" preferences, which are the preferences
of the App that were last imported from OS9 x.
You might try there for access ?????


On Monday, April 12, 2004, at 05:05  PM, Mike Murray wrote:

Hi muggers

Any Pagemaker experts out there?

I've been working on a document for just about a day when I suddenly had a series of error messages (including something about hyperxxx parameters), then I can't save because disk full (which it wasn't). Then the program quit. I now find that the file (which I'd been saving regularly) won't open. It looks normal, right icon etc. When I try to open it, I get the message "Cannot open file Error 8009:16404"

And did I back it up before all this happened? Did I hell.

Mac Ti Powerbook system 10.2.8 (but I'd rebooted and was working in system 9.2.2), Adobe Pagemaker 6.52

You seem to imply that you may have been working on this document in OS 10.2.8
before rebooting and then working on it in OS 9.2.2   ????

How big was the document ?
How much Ram ?
How much spare Disk space ?


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