In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
on Wed, May 05, 2004 at 07:55:20PM +0800, Antony N. Lord wrote:
> OK, I bit the bullet and bought the Adobe Design CS Premium suite to
> bring all my graphic design work up a notch.

Does that include Distiller and a decent version of Acrobat (not
"Standard" or other such muck)?

> Most of my layout work (posters and business cards) I do in InDesign
> an use the "Press" PDF export preset.

I like Export, too. BUT I have to reluctantly admit that it doesn't
always seem to work. On the other hand, I also have a problem where
Distiller produces no output. It goes through the motions but simply
doesn't write its output.

> I have been supplied with a logo in EPS format. [It's] white lettering
> on what appears to be a transparent background (when viewed in
> Illustrator).

Sure: filled white letters with nothing behind them?

> I don't seem to be able to get it to appear / behave as white 
> lettering on a transparent background when I "place" it in InDesign.

What does it look like on screen? Note: InDesign has different options
for display quality, so if you are using the worst (quickest) display,
it might give you a "misleading" appearance on screen. (Nevertheless,
I realise that doesn't explain why it wouldn't behave correctly when

> To work around I open and rasterize it in Photoshop and save it as a 
> single layer (transparent background) in PDF format.


> I'd be happy to forward an example "culprit" PDF.

Someone else might help you tonight, but feel free to forward a
copy to my address directly and I'll have a look at it tomorrow.