I have an old iMac - from when they first came out,
My screen went blank, the thing turned off and wouldnt re-boot. But the age
of miracles is not yet past - my extended warranty had a month to run!
It took ages to repair and finally came back with a new screen and new
analogue board - estimated cost would have been $900 + $600.
I'm horrified at this - have others had similar experience with this type
and cost of repair.
Both Apple and I would have been better off if the iMac had been dumped and
I'd been given an eMac instead!
My previous macs have all gone on for ever - this one had other minor
problems and all the expensive hardware - printer, scanner, had problems. I
thought the point of things being much more than those for PCs was that they
were Mac reliable.
Any comments, please,

Dick Anderson