On 08/06/2004, at 9:26 AM, Matthew Healey wrote:

Yes, we are finally doing our major yearly prize draw. To be in it, you just need to be a current financial member of WAMUG. If you're not, you can always join in the fun at our new members site. https://members.wamug.org.au

This year, we will be giving away the following things.
1st Prize : 40GB Apple iPod
2nd Prize : Apple iPod Mini
Our Corporate members will also be giving things away, but they haven't worked out what it will be yet. Watch this space for more details.

As a side note to this, if we get enough people joining, there is no reason why we couldn't give away an iMac, or even a G5. Members currently have a 1 in 36 chance of winning.

- Matt