Hi All!

Anyone know of a good resource to learn how to code?

I'd suggest Python. It has excellent tutorials, is cross platform and is already installed on the Mac by default.

Go to <http://www.python.org/doc/2.3.4/> and click the Tutorial link.

Really, once you've learned to program in one style of language, you should be able to handle any other language from the same class of languages (ie declarative, functional or procedural) with a little more experience, and become proficient once you've experienced all the standard mistakes a couple of times. Good languages will be designed to prevent you from making stupid mistakes, because typically your development time is more important (and expensive) than the computer's execution time.

 I have been reading up
on C at the moment, then hopefully progressing to C++ at some stage (got to
have goals!).  Books or online are welcome!

C++ and C are good in the way that McDonalds hamburgers are good. And if you want to program the Mac you should look towards Objective C anyway. Anton Hilleglass's book is pretty good, or I think there's one published by O'Reilly that's also had good reviews


Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
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