Thanks Shay!  Looks like I will be giving Python a go, as it seems to be
easier to understand for a beginner better than C/Java.  Are you able to
take advantage of the Mac interface with Python, or does it out put to a
Terminal window?

There are objective-C bindings for it, but I've yet to play with them.


If you want to write GUI applications then RealBasic is also a good starting point


it's portable across Mac, Windows and Linux and has a GUI development environment.

If you're really into writing Mac applications you may want to delve into Objective C at some stage. Whilst not as widely applicable as C++ you'll probably find it's nicer :)

But IMHO Python offers a nice starting point which can get you into control structures, variables, classes etc. Then you can try using other languages and work out what they're missing!

Personally I find that evolving one's learning following a path through the historical evolution of languages (computers, literature, standards, whatever) is a good map for a learning path, as you can become familiar with the shortcomings of each system which will make you appreciate the improvements in the new ones, whilst still being able to cope when someone drops you in front of a 1960's style unix commandline prompt :) Not that I'd start with COBOL or APL however!

Have fun,
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  Join Team Sungroper in the
 Opinions for hire              [POQ]     2005 World Solar Challenge
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]         fnord     <>