On 5/8/04 11:08 PM, "Reg Whitely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A MUG reseller award would be nice, so long as the voting is carried
> out in a fair and equitable way.

Hi Reg

This would definitely have to be organized very carefully to ensure this

I propose that perhaps I do a few things to try and get the ball rolling.

1/ Contact all the various Australian MUG's and see what kind of interest
there is in such a proposition.
2/ If positive set up a forum on my site for reps from the various groups to
discuss ways of achieving a fair system and discuss the technical details
involved to achieve this.
3/ Each MUG rep could then go back to their groups and discuss any
propositions with their members.
4/ The MUG reps could then ratify any adjustments if necessary and agree to
a final format for the awards.

I'm sure there are other ways to ensure this is done fairly and all
suggestions would be appreciated.

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)