Apple wants to control the entire Apple experience from start to finish. Nothing new here.

Publicly, Apple love resellers.

Privately, Apple want's them all dead and gone and replaces with Apple Stores. Mainly for three reasons.

Control over the customer experience. (The Apple Stores in the US, UK and Japan are the start of this.)
    That extra 8% profit that the reseller normally takes.
    The profit from all the accessories that go with the computer.

Anyone who refutes this is just kidding themselves.

As for Buzzle... The last thing any company wants is a reseller that is big enough to make demands of them. Look at WalMart. If you want to sell your stuff at WalMart you sell for the price that WalMart sets, not what it costs you. If you don't make a profit from that, then thats your problem.

- Matt