I once before asked on this list if my .mac.com address was compromised as I was receiving a lot of scam, spam & returned mail all with my .mac.com address.

I don't think that would necessarily need to be the case. We used to get hit a lot with the old lexicon spam where once they knew your mail domain they just went through a work list of thousands and thousands of names automatically pasting one name after the other in to the to field and appending the mailhost domain.

Now days it's probably got to do more with address book harvesting done by viruses - we saw some nasty ones that turned infected Wintel PC's in to uber spam generators, harvesting the user's own address book to randomly put to and from addresses in to the spam messages it sent out. In the 10 minutes or so from infection till our network admin pulled its patch cable one machine on our network sent thousands of spam's out including dozens of spam messages to me (one with my own name as the sender!).

Once your e-mail address has been distributed like that (as a "from" field in the spam) you address in now in hundreds of peoples address book history list just waiting to be harvested again in a snowball effect.

Mark Secker Computer Support Officer
ph#6488 1855 (ECEL) <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
University of Western Australia - CRICOS Provider No. 00126G
"Only he who attempts the absurd is capable of achieving the impossible."
- Miguel de Unamuno
"It takes an idiot to do cool things.... that's why it's cool"
- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

<http://ecel-mark.ecel.uwa.edu.au/~marksecker/index.htm> (sometimes works)