Michael Schmidt wrote:

I have a 7 year old G4/500mHZ with a 25GB HD. The amount of space
available is shrinking fast with music and image files - I have about 4G
I was wondering what solutions would be available to me. I will purchase
a G5 (probably an iMac) later this year, probably when there's a new

Until then, I guess I could buy an external HD. If I do that, do I
simply use the external drive as the main HD where I store all the
files/applications that are currently located under my home folder? In
other words, do I simply shift my Home folder to this external drive?
I sometimes see on forums, however, that shifting the Applications
folder can be a problem when it comes time to upgrade the OS.

Also, if I get a massive HD, where can I backup such a large amount of
data to? I currently backup my HD contents to a first generation iPod
but once I go beyond the 20GB that iPod will obviously be too small.

I hope your experience can direct me to what I should do.


Hi Michael

We had a similar situation with our B&W G3 and its 40 GB boot drive, music and movies were our 'disk hogs'.

We installed a 160 GB drive internally and we keep both the iTunes Music Library (iTunes>Preferences>Advanced>iTunes Music folder location>Change) and our Movies folder there.

Previously we had installed a Pioneer DVDRW which handles our backups.

You would probably be best served by using an external Firewire enclosure to house an additional drive as it makes it simple to connect it to Firewire enabled computers (read modern Macs).

Good Luck