On 3/3/05 11:38 AM, "Neil Houghton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2) From memory if you "Add to library" (as opposed to say importing a CD)
> then the path to the music is added but the actual music files are not moved
> to the iTunes music folder (unless you have "copy files to iTunes Music
> folder when adding to library" checkbox ticked in preferences)
> So:
> i)   Move selected artist folders to your new location
>     (delete any copies from old location)
> ii)  Delete the artist(s) from your iTunes library
> iii) Add the artists to your library (navigating to the new location)
> Note: Do NOT at a later date "Consolidate library" as I think that will then
> move the files (back) to the iTunes music folder
> I have just tried 2) running iTunes on my iMac and adding some music located
> on my powerbook and it seems to work fine over the ethernet so I can't see
> why it wouldn't work for a firewire drive.
> Disclaimer Not necessarily the most recent software - I'm running iTunes
> 4.01 under OSX 10.2.8 on the iMac
> Neil

Neil is right.  When the drive is removed, the songs just come up greyed
out.  You just have to make sure that iTunes does not copy the songs, just
provides a link to them.

(Dump the raid idea - how stupid ;-) )

