On 05/04/2005, at 1:21 PM, Rod wrote:

Thanks Rod !

Have just double checked ............

I have normal boot OS9.1 and also normal for classic OS9.2
Have booted into each of them ......
Both show for the 700 a Serial and modem port icon with the serial xtns disabled.
        Neither shows a USB port option with all USB support on !

But do you have the USB Epson 700 drivers installed? From memory that printer had Serial and Parallel ports. Might want to check Epson's driver site and see if they updated their Epson 700 drivers for USB to Parallel cables.

GrrrrrrrrrrH !

Thank you Rod .

Upon your prompting I went looking not just for USB updates
but  ....   ANY ....   700  update .......

From the USA site I found one for ..... wait for it ......     SerialDMA
and it was not until I got inside it did the USB bit show in the Readme ,
and even then there were no packages indicating a USB driver,
it was all wrapped up hiding inside a package.

Ran the Installer and did a restart ......  and
USB port shows in the Chooser when booted from OS9.1 or OS9.2
AND shows in the Chooser in classic    AND
the damn thing prints like it should .

Once again,  THANKS for the prompt.

Bob Howells