Little Snitch.   Why this instead of BrickHouse?
It's supported, has an active community and the interface is comfortable with variations in user ability.

Quicksilver seconded. It solves the user invocation problem which I've always found so clunky in puting. OS X is a big step further along the path than the vile XP - in that the variations for invoking services provided by OS X are obviously researched and useful (such as the wonderful "services" menu item and the Finder flexibility - as well as the keyboard shortcuts) while the XP variations invoke nothing more than exasperation at the myriad ways they have found to get you nowhere in particular and slower at the same time. The step which Quicksilver takes is that it is capable of intelligent filtering of individual invocation patterns without any configuration. I haven't had a session yet which has had too many alternatives presented for a first or second keying. It's a bit like a terminal for the typing lazy. I had to use a Windoze box last week and I nearly lost my wick with all the navigation I had to do myself again.