Andrew  wrote

Can anyone recommend an easy to use DVD backup program for OSX 10.3 I
use DVD Shrink on WinXP but have no DVD burner only copying to hard
drive. I would like to use something similar on the Mac - preferably
freeware. I have done Google search, but don;t know good from bad and
would appreciate advice.

Hi Andrew,
I use DVDDecrypter onXP for ripping DVDs and have found the same functionality in a cool, user-friendly open-source based OS X freebie called MactheRipper.
Have never burnt a DVD in my life, only rip to my hd so I can play things like "Lightning in a Bottle" overand overandoverŠ saves the opticals a lot of heat. If you want to burn anything from your rip, the community forum at rip-different appears to have all the help you need.

Nancy M