On 26/04/2005 12:44 PM, "Toby Oldham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi all, I'm planning on upgrading my G5's Hard Disk at the same time as
> installing Tiger. I figured the best way to do this is install the new
> HD, install Tiger onto the new HD, then use the Setup utility to
> migrate my user data from the old HD to the new one.
> Can anyone confirm that it is possible to use the SU in the method I've
> described? My previous experience was in moving user data via a
> firewire cable between a G5 and a G4. I'm unsure whether it can be used
> between two internal HDs.
> A few google searches haven't revealed anything, any info appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Tobes.
Hi Tobes

I haven't tried it via two internal drives. As it needs to look for a
Firewire connection it may not work but not 100% sure on that though. You
could always setup the new drive, create the same User, then reboot over to
the older user and replace the folders inside it with your current data.
That may also work.
I've done that on a couple of my machines, and then just repaired
permissions, and it all worked fine. Not the best way, but still works well.
:o) And always worth it as a last resort.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <danielATmacwizardryDOTcomDOTau>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**