Thanx Daniel

Tried out what you suggested but even when I tried running the program from the hard drive, it still asked for the disc to be inserted, and the same problem kept happening,,, and happening... and happening.

I checked the disc this morning on an old performa, and it loads up perfectly okay, so I know the disc is okay, but for whatever the reason, the EMac doesn't like it.

Rosie :-)

On 27/04/2005, at 12:49 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

On 27/04/2005 12:33 AM, "Rosie Cable" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This may be an old question, but I wasn't able to find anything in the
archives (using the search box). I'm hoping someone out there may know
the answer.

I have an EMac G4 Superdrive (just over a year old) and I can't play
the Warcraft II (Tides of Darkness) game.  When I insert the disc, it
appears on the desktop as two CD icons - one is Audio CD and the other
is Warcraft CD. The Audio CD icon has only music from the game on it,
but the Warcraft CD will let me load (to a point).

When I load the Warcraft disc, it plays through the introduction, right
through to the menu that asks about what type of campaign I want to
play. When I press 'single player', the message box appears asking me
to insert the game disc (which at this time is already inserted). I
press OK to say that disc is inserted, and the same message box appears
asking the same question again. Each time I press OK the same thing
happens again.

I contacted Blizzard, but their only solution related to the patches on
their website. The patches didn't make a difference.   I have tried
everything that I can.

This may possibly be the most stupid question ever asked (but hey, I'm
not computer savvy, only a part time user!), Is it possible that the
game CD can't be read because I have a DVD drive as opposed to a CD

If that's not the problem, does anyone know if there is any way of
fixing this problem?  I have Warcraft III but have never been able to
get into it.  prefer playing Warcraft II.

Please help me feed my addiction

Rosie  :-)

At a guess I would think you may need to copy the game to the drive.
(Assuming you haven't done this already).
On the CD it will either be an installer (which you need to run and it will install the game onto the hard drive), or it's the game itself and you need to copy this to the hard Drive. (Somewhere like the applications folder).
Once it's installed (or copied) try running it from this new location
(Applications folder) and if I'm correct you should find it works. I would assume that running it from the CD, won't allow it to create the necessary
files it needs (A CD being a locked media).

Try that and let us know how you go.


Kind Regards
(Whose bought World Of Warcraft, but hasn't loaded it in fear of not
actually getting any work done then!) :o)
Daniel Kerr

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