When we first bought the PC (Windows XP) it could connect to the Macs on the network and print to the Typhoon 8 (LocalTalk) via wireless to the router then via Ethernet and the AsanteTalk Adaptor. The Adaptor does not support TCP/IP so I presume this was achieved via AppleTalk.

We have made a few changes, some due to circumstances beyond our control, so it is hard to pinpoint exactly when the Macs became invisible to the PC. Now all communication is one way, the Macs can connect to the PC but not vice versa. I suspect Windows XP Service Pack 2 may be the culprit however I have upgraded the G4 from OS 10.3.4 to 10.3.8 and there have been security updates applied to the PC and the Macs also. Plus we bought a new version of AVG for the PC which updates all the time.

I found I can ping the Macs from the PC DOS prompt. Is there anywhere in Windows XP where I can connect by typing in the IP address? Or maybe a DOS command?

Today I tried the printer set up. After typing in the \\server\printer I could connect to the server and set up the printer (though I can't print). This then made the Home Folder visible in 'My Network Places' but I can't find how to access the other shared folders.

In Sharing I have enabled Personal File Sharing, Windows Sharing, Remote Login and Printer Sharing.

I do not understand some of the choices in Ownership & Permissions. All the partitions have

Owner = system - Read & Write
Group = admin  - Read & Write
Others         - Read Only

Except for my main partition which will only allow me to Read & Write if I have my Short Name as owner, if I change it to system I can Read Only.

Is there anywhere I can find an 'idiots guide' to all this stuff without forking out for an expensive book. I bought an IG to Windows XP and it is fairly useless. Maybe just a reflection of the crummy software?

Best wishes to all from Diana