>ComputerWorld says the new PentiumD chips are shipping with DRM (copy protection hardware) embedded

>is it true ... well maybe Apple have traveled that platform path in the lab to test it as feasible and the hardware savings and massive increase R&D would be >there though this would only, once again, lead to the speculation of Apple getting out of the desktop/laptop hardware market to concentrate on software and >media delivery.

Mac OSX running on Intel processors?

Bring it on I say. I think there is a greater chance this time of it happening.

We now have USB, standard hard drives, and can use standard monitors and printers. Why not a standard processor? The Intel processors always seem to be as fast (they have much more money to spend on R&D because of the volume they sell) and maybe we could get something fast in the next 17" Powerbook - they G5 looks like never making it.

It's all about the software & UI anyway and Apple could IMHO make more money just selling OS and App software like Microsoft does, although it would be a real trick to stop people pirating it and putting it on their Tang or Wang :-)

In essence, I like my make because of the way it works and looks on the screen - not because it looks cool on the desk (although it *is* nice, but I could drop the niceness - I didn't like paying $4500 for the powerbook).

Maybe I've simplified it a bit but it seems to make sense.

Brett Carboni
"Risc free soo-shi"

(I was wondering when this thread would come up - let's not have any flames boys and girls)