One idea that no one here has floated so far is what if Apple is moving to
Intel, but not to x86? Perhaps they're going to move to Intel and get them
to make PPC for them.

Although I don't know exactly what was in the supply and development
contracts that Apple and IBM signed, I do know that IBM promised them quite
a bit more than they've actually delivered (3Ghz) and that there was very
serious penalty clauses for not delivering on it, including giving Apple
substantial control over the IP related to PPC. Isn't a lot of PPC an Open
Standard already anyway?

I'm guessing we'll know all by tomorrow morning, once Steve Jobs has
delivered his Keynote address at WWDC, in any case it's going to fascinating
to see what comes out. What new wonders will we see? Mac OS X on x86?
Windows on Apple/Intel hardware? Intel PPC chips? Maybe it's all BS and
someone is laughing their arse off about how far we've all been sucked in?

Only time will tell. :P

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-UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about its friends
-Make something idiot proof and someone will build a better idiot