Robert Howells wrote:

On 13/07/2005, at 12:25 PM, subscribe wrote:

If your Using Tiger, really you should not be relying on Classic to run office realistically Office 2004 should be on your buy list if it is a suite that you depend/rely on

as neither OS9 or office 98 are supported by there respective manufacturers any longer i would suggest purchasing a new version of office

at some stage we have to bite the bullet and upgrade certain parts of the technology we use in order to take full advantage of the rest of our technology


You are right , of course ,
What I said before still holds true !

For some people, those especially who make the odd letter and do the odd email, going to Office 2004 with all it's overriding help and complexities is just too much .

Professional users learn and REMEMBER the complexities: infrequent users
have trouble just understanding them .

We need a simple word application that runs in OSX, and I do not find
for example that Neo Office does that function. May be my instal needs
adjustment but it's slow.

Text Edit is a simple document maker .   Whether it can handle I have
not yet explored.

1 Find a cheap iMac and use that ;)
2 Install a PDFer that runs in Classic and then print them here in the future from Preview.
3 I think you should explore TextEdit more too.
