Craig Ringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 12:03 +0800, Shay Telfer wrote:
> > IMHO, get a scanner and a laser printer. That way you won't have to
> > replace both of them when one breaks, or be without one while the 
> > other's being repaired.
> Yep.

The scanner is gravy and non essential. I would like the fax and printer
in one piece. Downtime is not a big drama, it's not an business machine,
and space is at a premium.

> Or use ... *gasp* .... a fax modem. Yes, it's true - there still is a
> use for MODEMs.

Powerbook sends faxes from documents already, BTDT. This is great right
up until I need to fax a signed paper document, which I do at reasonably
regular intervals.

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