Hi guys,
I've disabled the encription and it showed up, it says I'm connected, however but I"ve got no internet access. I'm out of time to play at the mo, but will get back to it Later, Thanks for all the advice.

assuming DHCP and you are using a normal wired broadband hub/router and a separate wireless base station.

Fire up "Network Utility" and ping the wireless base station's IP number (this is the IP number the basestation is configured to use uses on the "wireless side" of the network (AKA the "router" IP ). Then ping the broadband modem (the DNS server number in your airport TCP/IP config)

if you can't ping the base-station then check your airport's TCP/IP number is correct (if using dhcp then that it is with in the right subnet and range) and check that the router matches the IP address of the wireless side of the base station (rather than the IP address it uses to talk to the broadband router)

also try pluging the laptop in to one of the spare lan ports on the base station using the same settings on the ethernet port as the wireless card,

If you can ping the basestation but not the DNS server (broadband modem) check that the basestation is configured correctly on it's downstream side that connects to the broadband modem(ie it's WAN port side).

sorry got to go my self ..... this should help though