On 28/11/2005, at 10:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a PB G3 and when I tried to turn it on again I now get a flashing folder with a question mark and then OS symbol. I suspect that the system has lost it
blessedness. What do I need to do

Any help appreciated


HI John,

You are a bit short on with information !

What Operating system was it running  ????

If it was any OSX version , you should find the installer disk and load that until it
comes up with your Hard drive information .
Do NOT... I SAY AGAIN.... do NOT start an installation ! DO look for a Disk Utility option
and Start the Disk Utility .

When it shows up with your Hard Drives you should get a choice to " Repair Permissions "

Have it do that then afterwards back out and restart from the Hard drive .

Of course you could be on OS9 xx in which case it is a totally different actio.

Good Luck
