Hello everyone

I have an unusual problem that has just appeared. My mouse(s) are not able to move any icon on the desktop, nor any folder. They highlight okay, and open no problem, just can't be moved. My normal mouse is the new scrolling Apple mouse, I then tried the old style (no scrolling), then an aftermarket Macally whch I use with my iBook. They all have the same problem, so I assumed then it was the system. I tried rebooting, tried syst prefs for mouse/keyboard
to no avail.

It first started happening in Photoshop CS2, when I could not visibly see a layer move/track with the Move Tool. It moved after I let the mouse go, then it stopped moving altogether. Now no item can be mnoved anywhere, folders, apps or icons. there is no delay in opening anything, it just can't be
moved. All windows move okay.

Any ideas on this odd occurence? is this a pref that needs ditching, or another action? G5/1.6GHz/768 MD DDR/OS X 3.9/Dual monitors - 20" Apple LCD - Compaq 17" CRT/ 120 & 80Gb HD's. The system has worked fine for 3 years, apart
from my recent posting to the group re 'system slowing down'

Any help would be welcome.

ZERO HOUR - Darwin 1942
A new motion picture feature in development
Jon Davison, Tom Allibone and Alan Swan
Email: Jon Davison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Website: <http://www.eyeinthesky.com.au/darwin.html>