On 21/2/06 8:06 PM, "Hugh Griffiths" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1/. How hard is it to "self install" bigpond cable wireless modems? (
> the website says that self install is not supported for macs?)
> 2/. Does anyone know what the modem is that bigpond uses? ( there is no
> clues on the website and I wonder if it is just cable in wireless out,
> or whether there are also some actual output plugs?)
Telstra Wireless is a pain in the butt. Nobody I've heard of with a Mac has
had any success getting it set up. If you must use Telstra Cable just get
the standard Cable Modem Telstra supplies. They sent me a new Motorola
SB5101l-AU Surfboard Cable Modem a few weeks ago in preparation for their
speed boosts as of March to 17MB/sec down 256K/sec up speeds. Use a 3rd
party Wireless/Router such as a Netgear WG614 or similar that can handle
wired or wireless clients. It will work out cheaper and be far superior.

If you can get other options other than Telstra consider that also
especially if you can get ADSL2+. Telstra is extremely Mac unfriendly and
just about every ISP provides more value for your money.


All the best

Greg Sharp
Australian Mac Users Group (AUSMUG)