Morning All,

Same story with the ADSL home WIFI, except this was with technician onsite. Before he would start job I had to have a WinXP machine to install system, even though he had his pretty laptop, thankfully my son had his XP/Linux machine.

Anyway after 40 minutes plus of trying to get base system installed we had minimal success, it sort of worked; then he tried to do WiFI with his laptop and no go another 30mins. later I produce my PB. I did the whole install from start too finish including WIFi, using Safari whilst following CD instructions on screen in 15mins which included re-registering logins etc with Bigpond Tech at server side.

Major piece of advise when ringing support for problems that do happen from time to time just say yes I have a WinXP machine in front of me and go through what they are requesting using your Mac and preferred browser. I have had situations mainly late at night where the support person would not even attempt to help because I do not have a WinXP machine to use.


On 22Mar2006, at 1:06 pm, Hugh Griffiths wrote:

Following on from my questions about Bigpond cable wireless I though I
would let you all know how the self-install went.

I ordered a cable-wireless modem on a unlimited plan last week, and it
arrived as promised Monday, after going to the post office to collect
it, I forgot to bring my username and password ( newly assigned as part
of the ordering process) home, and had to wait until last night to try
the install. As Bigpond make it quite clear that they will not sell you
a self install unless you are running WinDoze XP I took my laptop ( XP
Pro) home to do the install.

Install procedure is very simple and well guided by the cd, basically
you insert CD in WinXP machine and it leads you through the steps,
including the physical connection of the cable modem to the wall and the
usb or pcmicia card to your PC.

Problem was after running through the procedure I got the dreaded " your computer cannot detect the modem, please call bigpond support and quote
the folliwng number"

I dutifly called Bigpond and after being placed on hold for approx half
an hour I got through to someone who said, " just rerun the procedure
but connect the Ethernet cable to the modem, and this will solve your

So I did that, and the same result, at this stage a little frustrated I
called again, another half hour wait ( I guess this must have been
around 11.00pm eastern states time" I got though again to a different

This Extremely helpful person stepped through the whole procedure with
me, including installing the USB modem drivers and trying via USB,
Ethernet, my built in wireless ( Not supported by tesltra) and the
supplied usb wireless. At the end of this, probably two and a half hours
later ( including 25 mins on the phone with this support person), the
telstra guy said " do you have another computer we can try as I think
the wireless in your XP is not working", I replyed " I have several
other computers but they are not supported" he said " oh are they Macs'"
I said " yes" and lo and behold he said and I quote

" well I don't know much about macs but lets give it a go"

Plugged my aged G3 iMac snow ( 10.4.0) into the modem, clicked on
internet explorer and typed the supplied modem address and less than two minutes later ( using the excellent Motorola html based config program) I was surfing the net using the modem, another three minutes later I had enabled the modem firewall, wep key and wireless broadcast and connected
my G5 using airport.

Bloody fantastic, 100% satisfaction report to the Telstra support guy
who was happy to go the extra mile and Mac wins again, and I still can't
get my XP to work wirelessly!!

Best Regards
Hugh Griffiths

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