Hi Ronni and WAMUGgers

On 18 Apr 2006, at 4:06pm, Ronda Brown wrote:
Another speed test site.
"We created our Internet Speed Test to be the most accurate broadband Speed Test on the internet! In fact, many sites charge for speed tests similar to this one!"

Thanks for this link. I've just today questioned iiNet about my account and received a (fortunately) positive reply from Adrian. I was worried that my downloads were slow. Using your weblink I did a test and found that my 1500/256 iiNet adsl is functioning at 1352 / 228.. Is that Ok?

Copied at the end of this email is an extract from Adrian's email for interest. I think I have a much better (redundant) plan now than that is currently offered for $59.95/month by iiNet.

Westnet has a good one: the premium 1.5Mb 5G + 5G plan at $59.95 http://www.westnet.com.au/internet/broadband/bbconnect/

iiNet's current equivalent is 512/128 @ $59.95 http:// www.iinet.net.au/products/broadband/

There's no savings here in Gero by going to phone packages as iiPhone is not set up here. BTW my Engin voip phone connection is saving us heaps. I should post an update to my earlier missive on the subject.

Adrian iiNet's Email

Hi Reg,

Thank you for your email.

When iiNet first released newer plans early last year, we refered to any new plan as 'broadband2', irrespective if your service is connected to the iiDSLAM equipment or the Telstra equipment at your local exchange.

In order to make it easier to determine who is on what equipment, we now refer to anyone on Telstra equipment as 'broadband1' and iiDSLAM as 'broadband2'.

As you are connected to the Telstra equipment at your local exchange, your service is refered to as a 'broadband1' account. However the speed has not changed nor has the download quota. It is the same account that you have had since you joined with iiNet. Only the name has changed. Your speed is 1536/256, your quota is 5Gb peak and 5Gb off peak.

Please note though the Light plan has been made redundant so if you upgrade or downgrade the service you will not be able to return to the same plan.



Thanks Ronni (How's Cloe?)
