I wonder if anyone could help my friend with this problem, or if anyone has experienced similar things. BigPond are stating that she is currently at 759Mb usage with her emails, and are going to start charging her for overuse. I have had a look at her mail folder in 'Users/Library/Mail' and it is only 49.9Mb at present. She does not download anything off the internet, and does not receive or send large files. Can anyone be using her account, if so to what purpose? and how can they do this? I assume that she does not need a firewall for the Mac, as long as she downloads the latest security patches from Software Update?

So it would appear that someone is downloading files using her account? she only has one machine and lives alone. We have no idea where this usage is coming from. I have copied her (Mrs Nola Turner) into this message, just in case you may wish to email her direct for more info. She uses an iMac/1.83GHz intel/OS 10.4.4/512Mb RAM/320Gb HD.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

With thanks

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nola Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 25 May 2007 9:28:06 AM
Subject: Fwd: Your usage has reached 301MB [Reference Number: 070511-004254]

Dear Jon,
The email you requested, as follows,
Enjoy your day,
Love Nola

Begin forwarded message:

From: "The BigPond Team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 24 May 2007 8:18:06 AM
Subject: Re: Your usage has reached 301MB [Reference Number: 070511-004254] Reply-To: "The BigPond Team" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] mail.custhelp.com>

Dear Nola,
Thank you once again for contacting us regarding this usage matter.

I appreciate your concern, and that you would like this matter resolved. My name is Greg, and I will be glad to provide further assistance.

I am sorry to say that the password tool that was mentioned previously does not have a Mac equivalent. In order to change your password you will need to call us on 13 POND (13 7663, option 3) and we will be happy to create a new password for you. We can be contacted between 8:00 am and 9:30 pm Monday to Friday, and 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Saturday and Sunday (AEST). Once you have been provided with your new password you can change it by visiting the 'My BigPond' section of:


For further information on this matter you may also wish to contact our Technical Support Team. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 133 933 or can be emailed from this page:


Your current usage is approximately 759 megabytes, and your new billing month begins on June 5. Additional usage fees on the plan you are subscribed to are charged at 15 cents per megabyte. I would recommend that you contact us to ask for a Request for Credit form once you receive your invoice for this billing month. This form is our method of disputing additional usage fees.

As mentioned previously, we do not have specific information about the sites and services being accessed via your account. Depending on how your internet connection is set up, an unauthorised user may be able to access your account while you are online. To stop this intrusion, I would also recommend that you subscribe to the BigPond® Personal Firewall.

The BigPond Personal Firewall establishes a barrier between your computer and the internet, silently monitoring and blocking internet traffic for suspicious activities. The BigPond Personal Firewall uses industry-leading McAfee Personal Firewall Plus software, updates or upgrades to the software will automatically be provided as part of the monthly service. When you subscribe to the BigPond Firewall service, you will receive an activation email from BigPond that contains a link to a secure website for you to download McAfee Personal Firewall.

For more information and to subscribe please visit:


I hope this has been informative, and that you take advantage of the extra protection we can provide for your account.

Thank you for choosing BigPond.

Kind regards,

Greg Buchanan
The BigPond Team

BigPond is a Registered trade mark of Telstra Corporation Limited ABN 33 051 775 556 If you no longer wish to receive marketing emails from Telstra, you can change your subscription preference at http:// www.telstra.com.au/messaging/subscriptions.htm

The contents of this email are strictly confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure or copying of this email (including any attachments) is unauthorised and prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify Telstra immediately by return email and then delete the message from your system.


Nola Turner
13 Morden Street
Wembley Downs 6019
Western Australia
Tel: +61 (0 )8 92044097

Jon Davison
Creative Training courses
The Futuresphere
Queenslea Drive
Claremont, WA 6010
t:  9442 1659
m: 0403 235938

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