Did this procedure preserve the figures?

At 7:58 AM +0800 13/6/07, James / Hans Kunz wrote:
did you try to export to text with tabs & returns & then import into exel as text file.....???

On 12/06/2007, at 20:45, Robert Howells wrote:

On 12/06/2007, at 5:18 PM, Mervyn & Giuliana Bond wrote:

You were able to capture text and probably tables in your translations. Did the figures survive?

OK !   You caught me out !    I had not realised they were missing .

So I received my   LC475   back this afternoon    ( had been out on loan )
        and tried options on it , then
also tried options on my Power Mac 7600

End result :
Can get the text and tables on Word 5 , Claris 2.1 , Word Perfect 3.5 on Power Mac 7600
but can not see the figures on anything .

I am fresh out of ideas for those ,  other than scan from book and reinsert ,
which would not be hard to do ... if the book was here .



SAD Technic
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