Hi all, just adding my bit. I've been off work for a few months, so not
pulling my weight as a committee member, so feeling guilty as I know how
much the other committee members are putting in to keep the meetings going.

I've found the mailing list to be the most wonderful learning experience
over the years. Sometimes I get help with an immediate problem, but often I
can sort things out because of things that have come up previously on the
list - so there is a gradual accumulation of knowledge and experience. My
husband, who teaches computing at TAFE, still finds it amazing that I can
learn so much without formal training in computing.

So, although meetings are enjoyable, if there is no one able to commit the
time and energy to running the meetings and doing the presentations in the
future, I think we will still have a very vibrant and delightful WAMUG
community of people offering all kinds of computing support.

Cheers, Susan.

On 13/6/07 7:12 PM, "Paul Kitchener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all
> W.A.M.U.G. is and has always been for me one of the truly enjoyable and
> valuable features of computing.
> Like an oasis it offers sanity and refreshment.
> I thank Stewart Woods for introducing me to it.
> Not many fora compare.
> Cheers
> Paul
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