I have let my membership lapse several times; I have only attended two
or three meetings, but I check the mailing list daily and have done so
for many years. 
The WAMUG mailing list is indispensable for reasons well documented by
many others. The list and group activities have depended on a small core
of volunteers, and as often happens with groups, if the volunteers are
not available, the group is threatened with closure.

I can't see that exhorting members to attend meetings, or be more
involved, will work. The drift in groups today is toward online
exchanges. Why not hire someone to manage the website and mailing list.
Keep the mailing list open to anyone, but make the website (it would
have to be maintained as a useful resource) only available to paying
Members. Meetings would only be held if enough Members called for them;
the same with social events. I would be willing to pay yearly Membership
fees of $50 to support such a move. However, even the current fees would
probably support the hiring of a WAMUG Manager. The collection of fees
would have to be made a simple, but efficient, procedure. A small
committee of volunteers, say three elected Members, might be required
for administration purposes.

The mailing list and a useful website resource managed by a someone with
appropriate interest and expertise are the key suggestions here.

Vlad James
No broadband in my part of Sawyers Valley

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
Unsubscribe - <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>