Also to note is that when Windows machines are infected by certain SPAM bots they harvest the infected machine's address book and will not just send to people in the address book but also fake the "from" address using addresses in the address book. Some of the more sophisticated ones also harvest these addresses and send them back to a central list. If they use your address as the "from/reply to" field (which is just a text field and can be anything like [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you want) and send to a deleted address (or a server that has their spam filter set to respond with a "invalid address" response to spam then you will get these messages

I've received spam that, going by the to & from fields has come from me, being sent to to me but the path shows that it's come from else were.

Also spamers sell/trade/steal mail address lists between each other.

so if your getting "undeliverable" messages addressed to people you've never heard of then one of the above is what's probably happening.

I have been getting a whole heap of undeliverable mail warnings. Do I have a virus and if so, how do i get rid of it?? Any ideas???

regards Chris Griffiths

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- Haruhara Haruka (FLCL)

Ubi fumus, ibi fumus

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