Hi all,

Anyone using a Billion 7402VGP (or similar?) and connecting with WPA2

My problem:

I've been using the above ADSL2 modem/router/VOIP for quite a while now
without using the wireless (since the computer is right next to the router,
I just used ethernet) - all has been well (only ADSL here in Albany, still
waiting on ADSL2) with internet, networking and VOIP.

Recently I decided it would be good to try the wireless:

1) to stream iTunes to the stereo via an Airport Express (bought with the
iMac in November but not tried until now)

2) to let me wander around with the laptop (bought in May for overseas trip)

Here's where I'm at:

My first try at setting up the billion met with mixed success:

-   Turned on the wireless feature and could connect up and browse the net
OK - but default was unsecured - not a state I was happy with.
-   Turned on WPA2 (I thought) and connected up again - but was not asked
for a password and the network showed up without the "secured" padlock
- Rechecked the router config via browser and sure enough security was
disabled - turning it on and "applying" did not seem to take.

I turned off the wireless till I had time to research.

I had no problems with the airport express - other than complaining that it
wasn't connected to the internet (wireless not working on Billion, no spare
ethernet to connect to it) I set up a network OK, I have successfully
streamed the iTunes and printed to the attached printer and connected to the
Express wireless network from a second computer.

I won't go into all the interminable forums I checked out - but I finally
got WPA2 security turned on for the Billion - It turns out Safari doesn't
talk well to the Billion - just for wireless security, it seems, I had had
no problem setting everything else up!

Anyway after much resetting of the router, saving of configuration files
(checking them with BBEdit to check what had changed) changing parameters
incrementally and using Firefox to apply the WPA2 settings - it all seeemed
to have worked - after a restart the setting have all "stuck"  and when I
turn on Airport, the network is scanned and shows up as a "secure"
(padlocked) network.

I just can't connect to it!!

When I try, I get a message "connection timeout" - it obviously is talking
to the Billion because if I use the wrong password it tells me  "Invalid
password" so when I use the correct password, it is accepting that - but
then some process is timing out before I get properly connected.

I have tried this from both the 24" Intel iMac and the 20" G5 iMac and the
behaviour is the same in both cases.

And, remember, I had no problem connecting before I turned on the security -
so there is no basic incompatibility with the wireless on the Billion.
However, I am obviously not happy to just turn off the security! (I had
thought prematurely that I had wireless working when I selected WLAN in the
airport list - till I realised I hadn't actually switched mine on - it was
just an unsecured network in the area! - if I figure out who, I'll alert

So... any ideas... anybody...




Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

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