Thanks Neil for the input. I have in fact been turning it off and on but wanted it automated as with age forgetfulness does reign!! .... Hopefully the info from Mark will do the trick.

Still not sure though why the download speed is slower via Time Capsule?

Thanks again,

On 07/10/2008, at 11:07 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi David,

Not an answer, per se, to your problem - but what I do is have Time machine
set-up then switch it off.

Then when I think it is time to do a back-up (usually once a day but
sometimes an extra one or two if I'm busy!) I just turn on Time machine, do
"back-up now" and then turn it off again.

Of course, this does defeat the "set & forget" advantage of Time machine and relies on you actually remembering to back-up - but this is not something I have a problem with and the Time Machine menu bar item makes it really quick to "Open Time Machine Preferences", turn it on, "Back Up Now" and then turn
it off.

I have a couple of reasons for doing this:

- Like you I think that the default hourly back-up is too frequent.
- My external disks are fairly quiet but my iMacs are really quiet and I
still find the disk noise distracting - so I tend to leave them switched off
and just switch them on for my (manual) back-up.

Since you are using a Time Capsule, I assume that your backup disk is always mounted - so if there is not an easy solution to actually schedule The Time
Machine back-ups, I wonder if there is a way to automate the "switch on,
back-up, switch-off" approach that I describe?

I haven't done much with Applescript or automator so I'm not sure of the
scriptability of all these actions but others may be able to advise whether
there is a way to automate/script this?



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 7/10/08 10:03 AM, David Wood at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

G'day All,

I am experiencing some issues with the backing up from Time Machine to
my Time Capsule.  Currently running a Powerbook G4 and an iMac 1.8GHz
G5 with Version 10.5.5 on both and both are wireless networked via
Time Capsule.

Simply put when Time Machine kicks in for both machines every hour it
slows everything down and what is most frustrating, it in particular
seems to affect the download speed from the internet.

I am with Westnet and have talked to them.... we have conducted "ping"
tests and everything is OK with the line so it is certainly something
to do with my set up.  What is interesting is that when I plug the
ethernet cable from my Time Capsule back into either machine direct
then the download speed automatically increases even when Time Machine
is not backing up, which suggests there is a wireless issue with my
Time Capsule.  It was suggested that possibly my home phone which runs
on 5.8GHz could be interfering with the wireless network, but I have
moved it out of my office completely and it has made little or no
difference as far as I can see.

I really don't need to back up every hour as my machines are more for
"domestic" use rather than business.... can I get Time Machine to just
backup once per day and preferably then at a certain time when I am
not likely to be using the net? Is there something I need to change on
the configuration maybe on either to reduce the slowing down of my
machines when the back up is running?

Thanks for any input in advance,

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