On 24/10/2008, at 2:29 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I usually use a MacBook Pro (MBP). However a month or so ago, my logic board blew up, so it had to go in for repair.

Not being able to access the content on my MBP would have been a disaster. Fortunately I use Time Capsule / Time Machine, and so I had to go and buy a new MacBook (MB) and restore my system from Time Capsule.

Now I have my MBP back. The data is as it was at the point the logic board blew up, ie. outdated. What I want to do is put my system as it is now on my MB (current) on to the MBP.

What I don't want to do though is have to reinstall the entire system (MacOSX) on my MBP because I don't have the original install disks for another week, and ideally I need to do this today.

What's the safest, cleanest, quickest and best way to do this? I have a firewire cable handy so that I can connect the MB & MBP if I need to. The disk on each is about 160Gb but with only 10Gb room left.

I thought that should be a way of syncing the MBP with the TIme Capsule (which is currently back up by with MB data), but I'm afraid that what would happen is that the Time Capsule data would be overwritten by the month old MBP data.

Grateful for any tips.

Cheers, Steven

Hi Steven,

Why not use Migration Assistant (Applications > Utilities) & Firewire Target Disk Mode.

1. Shutdown the MB,  Connect a Firewire Cable to MB
2. Startup MB & immediately press & hold the T key until the Firewire Icon appears. 3. Connect the firewire cable from MB to MBP (MacBook Pro can be running)
4. Run Migration Assistant
5. Transfer Users Accounts, Applications (but if the Apps are the same don't select this), Network & Computer settings, Files, Volumes. 6. When you are finished transferring, drag the MB computer's hard disk icon to the Trash or Eject from the File menu.
7. Press the MB power button to turn it off.
8. Unplug the FireWire cable.


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