Just to add - there will be no problem with cloning the drive between two intel machines... I've done it literally 100's of times between iMac's MacBooks, intel Mini's and MacBook Pro's...

Clone away!!!

On 24/10/2008, at 5:15 PM, Kyle Kreusch wrote:

Hi Neil and Steven

Neil makes some valid points

Kyle's suggestion of cloning the drive over would be my preferred option if the two machines were identical - I have never tried it between two different models.

It should be perfectly ok As they are both laptop's

It would not be an option if say one was intel and the other was a G5. Assuming the are both intel machines

That is correct
They would both need to be the same architecture. Which they both are
As Apple never made a PowerPC-based MacBook or MacBook Pro

I would try and confirm with someone that they had done this before on two comparable machines - if so -go for it.

This is the main reason I think it should work As I have started a
iMac's Hard drive With a MacBook Pro Before and never had any problems

If you were able to clone the new system to an external firewire drive, just try and boot from it - if it boots up and all works OK you should be able to just clone it to the Macbook Pro.

Recommend you do this if you possibly can

You have a number of options to get your repaired Macbook Pro up to speed.

My preferred option would be a clean install on the repaired Macbook pro and
then migrate everything over from the current Macbook.

That would be my preferred option to

You say you don't want to do this because you don't have the original
install discs - have you tried using the install discs that came with the new Macbook - typically they only work with the same model but I'm not sure how Apple differentiates this - for example the install discs from an iMac won't work with a Macbook but I don't know if the Macbook/Macbook Pro are different - you could try it in my experience it will either work or say
something like "this software cannot be installed on this computer".

Unfortunately They are two separate sets of disks


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