I have found that by simply dragging the embedded object onto the desktop and opening it from within a relevant application eg: image files - Graphic Convertor or Photoshop etc has always worked for me but I admit that I haven't tried it with an embedded PDF.

Further to Daniel's comments on sending certain file types to commercial printers, I quote from the Penfold Buscome Print Buyers Guide: Applications that are not commercially acceptable and should be avoided are Microsoft Publisher, Word, Excel or Powerpoint (among others)


No, did not work.
Has anyone else met and solved this problem?



On 02/02/2009, at 4:35 PM, Eugene wrote:

 I don't know if this would work but I have used it many times to
 extract embedded pictures as separate files.

 Open the document in Pages and save it immediately as a pages

 Right click (cntrl click) on the new document and 'open the package
 contents'. With a bit of luck the PDFs might be files contained

 Tell me if this works.


 On 02/02/2009, at 4:15 PM, Robin Belford wrote:

 This is something that Murdoch university does a lot.
 They send out a word (.doc) document and embedded in it are a
 number of PDFs (.pdf).
 I cannot open the the embedded documents with my version of word
 (Office X) or acrobat or any other PDF reader.
 I cannot extract them from the word document, nothing that I have
 The only solution is to send it to someone with windows and then
 the embedded documents are readable (with Acrobat etc)

 Any solution to this would be fine, and seeing how I'm upgrading to
 iWorks 9 perhaps that might solve this problem.



 On 02/02/2009, at 12:41 PM, Michael Anderson wrote:

 MacBook 2ghz Intel Core Duo, running OSX 10.5.6, and Pages 08 (v
 3.02).  I also have on a separate HD back up my old MS Office for
 Mac 2004.

 I have received by email a Word document which is supposed to have
 embedded in it several other word documents and PDFs.  I can see
 the titles of the documents,  but am unable to open them.

 I've tried Pages, Word and Preview without success to open the
 embedded documents.

 Does anyone on the list have any suggestions?

 Thanks in advance

Subject: Re: Reading embedded documents within a MS Word doc
From: Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au>
Message-ID: <c5ae7127.2381e%wa...@macwizardry.com.au>
In-Reply-To: <list-441...@wamug.org.au>

I don't think you'll find a solution I'm afraid. I could be wrong, but I
think it's to do with the way the links and file structure change/are
different for the Mac and the PC.

This is an old thread, but explains the same thing.

Unfortunately, I think it's more to do with the thinking that Word can do
everything. It's a Word Processor,..so it should be used like one. It's not
a page layout program, or a graphics program, it's just Word.
It would be like writing a novel in your email program with pictures then
trying to get all the formatting and layout to work. It just wont. Take that
a step further and send it to a publisher and say please print this,..they
would send it back and laugh.*
Unfortunately, so many places now seem to think that Word can do all these
wonderful things,...well maybe it can,..but at the end of the day,..it's a
Word Processor.

I think the only way would be asking them to email the pdfs as well.
Or, if there's another way out there,..google doesn't find it. (Well not for
me and the first four pages of google searches I looked at anyway....) And I
tried various forms of searches with different keywords.

And as much as we you can try I don't think you'll get the University to
change the way they view "Word".

Or,..maybe I'm completely wrong and missing it all. ;o)
Feel free to flame away,... :o)

Kind Regards

* I actually know a story where a yearbook/catalogue was written in
Word,...all 60 or 70 pages of it with photos and things in Word. It was then
sent to a graphic house so it could be printed out. But they were told "some
of the photos are out of alignment a little. So you'll need to adjust them
please before you print it". Once the graphic place told them, then once
they change the first picture on page one,..it will adjust everyone page. So
the charge would be a lot to fix the whole thing. And correct all the other
problems that had put into Word. None the less the were politely asked to
take it back and then change it to some form of "reasonable" document to
work with,..like a pdf etc.
Microsoft Word and Microsoft Publisher are the two programs you can
instantly see a graphic artist cringe when given one of those documents to
"do something with" before printing.)
Apologies to anyone who uses Word or Publisher for anything. :o)
PDF's go a long way,..... :o)

/goes hide for fear of the flaming,...... :o)

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