Hi Tom

I wouldn't hold my breath on SMART status. I've had it report a drive was
fine then the drive packed it in two days later and it had to be replaced.
Not once,..but twice with customers drives. So although it *may* report all
is well, sometimes it really isn't.

Just my 2cents worth.

Kind Regards

On 9/3/09 10:47 AM, "tom samson" <thefr...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

> Thanks Ronnie, I have read the techs from Micromat My laptop only went
> through the first two test and hung. Then I had no option but to go
> back in with Techtool it was then that I could not see the HDD. I
> would love to say that it was coincidence and the Drive was about to
> pack in but SMART gave no indication of this. So My presumption, right
> or wrong was that Techtool was the culprit. It may be then that
> something else was afoot. If the concensus is that TTP5 is stable then
> I shall try again. If not I will wait.
> tom samson
> Welcome back Ronnie and thanks for the imput
> On 08/03/2009, at 11:14 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hello WAMUGers,
>> I installed TTP5 Version 5.0.2 (Build 3968M) a month or so ago on my
>> MacBook Pro without any problems and have run all the tests without
>> any problems.
>> The only issue I have with TTP5, is it won't run on my TechTool
>> Protégé.
>> TTP5 is NOT compatible with Protégé at this time. I've been in touch
>> with MicroMat Support and they will have a new release of the
>> Protégé Manager to support TechTool Pro 5.0.x. They have been unable
>> to tell me WHEN this new release will be available on DVD.
>> Micromat have no mention on their website that TTP5 is not
>> compatible with the latest Protégé, and did not know it was
>> incompatible until I alerted them.
>> You do need to Uninstall TechTool Pro 4.6.2 before you install TTP 5.
>> I Uninstalled TechTool Pro 4.6.2 first using the TTP 4.6.2 installer
>> disc.
>> When I went to empty the trash I was unable to because ³the
>> Operation ³TechTool Protection² is in use.
>> I found out that the TechTool Protection would be removed & replaced
>> when I install TechTool Pro 5:
>> "There is no need to remove the Protection files in the invisible
>> folder at /.TechTool Pro Items; they will be removed when they are
>> replaced by the Protection feature of TechTool Pro 5.0.2 (a System
>> Preferences pane)."
>> It also is important to do as suggested by Micromat:
>> "Install the program on a bootable external drive if possible. When
>> you run the program from the bootable DVD, virtual memory cannot be
>> used.
>> When the disk directory is replaced, all of it, plus part of Mac OS
>> X and TechTool Pro, must be able to be held in RAM.
>> Unless you have a lot of RAM, this is not likely to be possible."
>> Micromat suggest you see "The Proper Way to Use TechTool Pro". This
>> was written for TTP4, but also relevant to TTP5.
>> <http://www.micromat.com/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&Itemid=&func=view&c
>> atid=6&id=3267#3267
>> I don't know why Tom Samson had problems, I did read his post on
>> Micromat Forum and the reply from Micromat to him.
>> I'm now just waiting for Micromat to release a new version of
>> Protégé Manager for my TechTool Protégé so I can put TTP5 on him.
>> I have installed on my "Trusty" TechTool Protégé - Disk Warrior
>> v4.1, Data Rescue 11 v1.2.1, Disk Utility, Disk Studio, System
>> Profiler, Terminal.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 08/03/2009, at 9:40 PM, James I Fraser wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> It seems that 5.0 wasn't that stable, 5.3 is due out very soon.
>>> James
>>>> I still have not heard a thing. Mine still sits here but after
>>>> losing a hard drive I am not game to touch it. If someone else has
>>>> any luck I would like to hear otherwise my weekly annoyance email
>>>> to Micromat will continue
>>>> tom samson
>>>> On 07/03/2009, at 4:04 PM, Barry Sexstone wrote:
>>>>> Any update/advice on this problem?
>>>>> Barry
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Daniel Kerr

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