Hullo Stephen

Okay, I was really happy to read that we can change/rename multiple photos at the same time (as I can and do successfully carry out on my HP PC).

So today I transferred from our cameras the photos from a recent holiday. I successfully put these firstly into date order, and then tried to do as suggested by you and (I think Adrian Skehan - i.e. Photo/Batch Change.) This gave me a description to type in with the comment "append to existing ...".

I have done this 4 times and my Apple says "updating photos" - however there is no change in my iphoto file, and they are still named only by the numbers allocated from the camera. Where have these one, what has actually happened?

What I thought I could do, (as with my HP), is to rename them something like "2009 Bali Holiday" and the Apple would number each of those as "2009 Bali Holiday (1); (2); (3);"etc. Then, what I have been doing on the HP is manually further adding where relevant, e.g. pool, my name, husband's name, friend's name and so on after the (1) number, to assist in any future searches.

Is this possible?  If so, how do I make the Apple work with me on this?

Thank you anyone for the answer!


On 07/03/2009, at 9:13 AM, Stephen Chape wrote:

I do that in iPhoto !!

On 06/03/2009, at 8:58 PM, Nichole Shervington/Paul Vilkas wrote:

Greetings All,

Would any of you know if there is a program that can rename and renumber
multiple digital photos at one time?

Thank you
Nichole Shervington

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Stephen Chape

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