If you are making an outbound connection just specify the port number with the -p switch
i.e. ssh ad...@host -p 1022 or whatever

On 22/04/2009, at 4:00 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Peter. Tried your suggestion. Still no joy I'm afraid. Using Terminal though, there doesn't appear to b anywhere to specify a non standard port number. Any idea how I go about that? Terminal appears to default to port 22 according to the Terminal window, but I need to stipulate a different port number (which JellyfiSSH allows me to do.

Cheers, Steven

On 20/04/2009, at 4:27 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

On 19/04/2009, at 5:35 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks for all the help fellas.

I've followed suggestions, and reached another snag.

In case this is relevant to my problem, I'm trying to access a Windows server running freesshd, from a remote Mac running latest Leopard.

After I run JellyfiSSH, I launch MS RDC for Mac, and after spinning its wheels for a while RDC returns the message "The Mac cannot connect to the Windows-based computer" followed by a few suggestions about the Windows server possibly not being set up to accept remote connections, the Windows server is not on, or the Mac or Windows machine is experiencing network problems.

The first two suggestions aren't valid because a Windows user has confirmed his remote access is working fine when I couldn't. So I suspect it is something I have wrong in JellyfiSSH.

The Windows IT guy I've been speaking with, who can access the Windows server remotely but isn't familiar with the MacOS, gave me the detail of what to enter into JellyfiSSH after I sent him some screenshots. He suspects my access problem may have something to with JellyfiSSH being a UNIX focussed tool, but just guessing. He wasn't sure of what option to choose for the field "Shell'. The options are bin/bash, /bin/csh, /bin/sh, /bin/tcsh, or /bin/zsh. We went for the first one. So there's my first question - anyone know which Shell option I should choose?

The "Type" option appears to have two settings. The first selection he was sure about, and that was SSH 2. The second setting he wasn't sure about. The options are des, 3des, blowfish, 3des-cbc, blowfish-cbc, cast128-cbc, arcfour, aes256-cbc. We ran with aes256-cbc. Second question - anyone know for sure which option?

Hopefully I can avoid having to try 40 different combinations of Shell setting and the Type setting.

Something else that may provide a clue.

When I click Connect on JellyfiSSH, a Terminal window appears asking for my password. I enter the passord, and the cursor drops to the next line, and presumably the password has been accepted, though there is no confirmation of that. I then click Connect on RDC, but what happens then is that in the Terminal window the following appears ...

client_input_channel_req: unexpected channel -1

Any hints most welcome.

You don't really need any third party software to run an SSH session. Simply open Terminal on your Mac (/Applications/Utililites/ Terminal). The default shell is bash, and you shouldn't need to change this.

Go to "Shell" in the Menu Bar and choose "New Remote Connection...". You will be able choose any of ssh, sftp, ftp and telnet, and you can add more if you know how. Click the "+" sign below the "server" pane and enter the IP address of the computer you are trying to connect to. Terminal should handle the rest.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Fax (618) 9332 0913
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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