
As a starting point, "bots" fall within the
virus/spyware/adware/malware/break-in vulnerability spectrum.
Detection, prevention, and susceptibility fall along those lines. If
you've previously made a decision not to worry about anti-virus for
Mac OS X due to the relatively low risk, you need not be alarmed by
last night's programme. If you have a monitoring system like "Little
Snitch", bot activity will be detected unless the bot hides itself
within the kernel (highly specific to OS versions and CPU - rare for

Bots, zombie networks, identity theft, mules, etc., are old and
well-established phenomena -- nothing has changed overnight. We have
been living alongside these for as long as we would care to remember.
*However*, Mac OS X is not immune and there are some botnets for Mac
OS X that have emerged this year, so the risk for Mac users is
probably higher than before. I have no idea if these new botnets are
viable, or if they fizzle out straight away. The next one "could" be a

*Caution* If you are going to buy anti-badware software, don't buy it
through spam. I know it sounds silly, but there's a phenomenon called
"scareware", where fear is used to trick people into buying anti-virus
software that's either ineffective or a bot itself!


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