I downloaded a test version - won't print until I buy.
The features that I spoke about are still there.  Image import is excellent.
But, it is  a ppc program, not universal nor intel.
However, according to a reference posted earlier, there are quite a number of universal applications including Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0, that won't run on OSX10.6.
I guess I won't be moving to Snow Leopard in a hurry.

Hi Guys

Ready,Set,Go! X - 7.7.7 is still available its now sold as shareware and I believe quite good :)


On 28/08/2009, at 1:21 PM, Peter Bull wrote:

My first Mac was a 512k RAM with two floppy drives (no hard disk) and a separate numeric keypad. it was black and white of course with the 9 inch screen. I bought it second hand from UWA for about $2300!!! We coupled it up to a little dot matrix printer (remember them!!) and used it in my printing business. I then started publishing a small magazine using Ready Set Go 3 software to do what was called Desktop Publishing. Laser printers had just come out and were priced at $11000 - that's right eleven thousand bucks. Too much, so I would go to Computerland in St Georges Tce and pay them $1 per page to print out the artwork. It worked very well.

Next was a Mac Classic which had a 40Mb hard drive which I thought would never fill up (it did), then a LC475, one of the nicest looking Macs AND it had a colour screen!! I then bought a new QMS mono laser printer for about $2600 and did all the artwork for my printing clients, still using Ready Set Go. That was great software, small and fast, but was out-marketed by PageMaker which became InDesign.

A second hand Power PC was next, then a jellybean iMac, then an eMac, and I am typing this on an Intel iMac with 4gigs of RAM , 24 inch monitor and a 320gig hard disk. I am now using InDesign CS4 which does a lot more of course than the 1980's software, but I don't think that things happen any quicker. Bigger, faster computers seem to get slowed down by bigger software.

I can't help thinking that if Macs were much cheaper in the early days that Apple would have sold millions more, and Bill Gates would be just another Harvard dropout. And of course, the world would be a happier and friendlier place because people would be far less stressed than they are today due to the frustration and downright ugliness of PC's, Windows and MS Office (especially Word)!!

Peter Bull

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