thank you Bob, yes found them where you said they'd be,
 fiddled about - nothing,
dragged onto desktop and let it reinstall, no change,
purchased new copy from apple and all fixed.

thank you again Bob for your assistance

Brian and his happier 4 year old son.

On 29/08/2009, at 7:06 PM, Robert Howells wrote:

On 29/08/2009, at 5:05 PM, Brian Risbey wrote:

error message - The Apple QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component is not installed...

It was before I upgraded to 10.6.

If I opened Time Machine, where would I look?

Or do I need to repurchase it?


OK , so it was there before 10.6 upgrade ! ?

The actual component should still be there ..

try looking in Hard drive - Library - Receipts for QuickTimeMpeg2.pkg

and in  System - Library - Quicktime    for             QuickTimeMpeg2.component

If they are still in place it   MIGHT be that 10.6 does not like them

I assume 10.6  Snow Leopard is compatible with your Mac !?


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