Hello folks.

I boldly state I am a Mac man, got a house full of them including a working
Mac Plus in the cupboard!

<carefully looking left and right, putting a hand up asking for some

Unfortunately I also have a PC laptop that I use for my digital mapping when
touring the countryside. It makes me feel dirty using it .... I frequently
get bewildered at it's failings and recoil that the majority of the
population think it is normal.... Sigh.

To keep things familiar I've installed Safari, iTunes, Quicktime on the
laptop and Apple Software Update came with them. Now when I run ASU it stops
half way along and I get a blue screen with a bunch of text telling me
nothing useful - something about something not matching - then it dumps it's
physical memory to the hard drive (like I want to know that?) and then I
turn it off and on again and we continue on until I use ASU again.

It seems to work okay apart from this. The obvious solution is to not use
ASU, but has anyone that is also in my situation come across the same
problem and found a solution? I'm running XP SP2. The other Apple programmes
work properly.

Really sorry to sully the fine discussions in the group with such a


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