Hehe - thanks for that - very good timing.

I had just re-set-up my MacBook Pro and migrated over from my iMac - I would
have been very confused if I had tried to share and only found iMacs 1 & 2
on the network!!

Now renamed - so the poor confused machine knows it's a MacBook again!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 8/10/09 9:26 PM, Daniel Kerr at wa...@macwizardry.com.au wrote:

> Also, if you've ever done a "Migration" from another machine to your
> "current machine", then the Network name will follow as well.
> For example. If I had my old MacBookPro and it was called DKMacBookPro and I
> cloned this to my new MacBookPro, then connected it to the wireless network
> to run updates, the new machine would then have the same name as well, ie
> DKMacBookPro. So what it has to do (as it can't have two computers on the
> same network), so it renames it to DKMacBookPro (2).
> This doesn't sound like the case here, but I'm just putting forward that
> information so people know as well. ;O)
> But yes, it's normally with multiple connections on different networks but
> the same machine (eg Airport and Ethernet). It can sometimes come from a
> router reboot or something similar where the Network things that the old
> name "is still there", so resets it again.
> There was a way to reset it via Terminal with a "permanent" set, but as
> mentioned you had to do that in Terminal. I found it on google somewhere, so
> would need to refind it if anyone wanted.
> Hope that helps a little.
> Kind Regards
> Daniel
> On 8/10/09 4:41 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Yes, Severin I only have the SuperDuper clone connected when I'm
>> actually updating the clone.
>> I do this weekly, so I'm sure it hasn't changed every time.
>> I will take notice next time if the computer name changes when the
>> clone is connected, and if it stays changed after disconnecting the
>> clone.
>> Something is causing The System to "think" there is more than one
>> computer with the same name on the Network.
>> Ah well, I've got to get back to serious work ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 08/10/2009, at 4:25 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>> Yes, I went via the Edit button.  I do have a SuperDuper clone on an
>>> external Firewire disk, normally powered off except when I am
>>> actually updating the clone.
>>> Severin
>>> On 08/10/2009, at 4:14 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi Severin,
>>>> Same with me I didn't have a "Previous Systems" Folder and only
>>>> ever connect by Airport, all computers that connect in this house
>>>> connect wirelessly, never by direct Ethernet connection.
>>>> When you changed the Computer Name in System Preferences > Sharing,
>>>> did you click on the "Edit" button to change the -2.local?
>>>> My Computer's Name is Rons 500GB HD & beside the Edit section it is
>>>> Rons-500GB-HD.local
>>>> When I noticed it had changed to Rons-500GB-HD-2.local
>>>> I just went into System Preferences > Sharing  and in Computer
>>>> Name: changed it back to Rons 500GB HD.
>>>> It was listed as Rons-500GB-HD-2 or (2) and in the edit section as
>>>> Rons-500GB-HD-2.local
>>>> So I just clicked on "Edit" & changed it to Rons-500GB-HD.local and
>>>> voilà the (2) was no longer.
>>>> The only reason I can think might have caused this is after I had
>>>> my SuperDuper "Cloned" Rons 500GB HD connected.
>>>> I wonder if the system then thinks there are TWO computers with the
>>>> same name on my Network, and as you cannot have any computers with
>>>> the same name on your Network Š it changes one?
>>>> I hate it when I cannot find the exact reason why!
>>>> Our President Peter H once said to me & I quote ... "It's nice to
>>>> be able to find an exact cause, but resolution is an adequate
>>>> second best option :)"
>>>> When I find some time, I'll do some fiddling around and see if I
>>>> can get it to happen again  ... I want to find an exact cause ;-)
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 08/10/2009, at 3:21 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>>>> That's interesting Ronni.  I have no "Previous Systems" folder.
>>>>> On the G5 I do have a direct connection via Ethernet to a router
>>>>> and an installed Airport but not running.  The laptop communicates
>>>>> wirelessly via Airport Extreme which goes into one port of the D-
>>>>> Link ethernet router.  A desktop G3 iMac is into another port on
>>>>> the router while all three computers access a Laser printer which
>>>>> is plugged in to the USB port on the Airport Extreme.  I have not
>>>>> done any plugging in or  unplugging or swapping that I can recall.
>>>>> Interestingly, I have changed the name again in Sharing - it still
>>>>> comes up as Sevs G5 (5) there but the message  ".... can connect
>>>>> as... "  is now correct as "Sevs G5"  as it was before.   Very
>>>>> curious, no real drama, just a little annoyance and puzzlement!
>>>>> Severin
>>>>> On 08/10/2009, at 1:55 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>>> On 08/10/2009, at 1:42 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>>>>>> My computer is named "Sevs G5" and has been for a long time.
>>>>>>> Recently, I noticed in Sharing that it is named Sevs G5 (5) and
>>>>>>> the accompanying message tells me that other users can connect
>>>>>>> using  Sevs G5-2.local  which proves correct, and Sevs G5 by
>>>>>>> itself no longer works.
>>>>>>> What is going on?  Leopard 10.5.8.
>>>>>> Hi Severin,
>>>>>> This happens when the system detects two computers with the same
>>>>>> name on the same local network.
>>>>>> You can change the computer name and get rid of (5) in system
>>>>>> preferences->sharing.
>>>>>> I've had it happen to me before. Some people think it happens if
>>>>>> you have a "Previous Systems" Folder on your HD, others say it
>>>>>> can happen if you have both Airport and Ethernet connected, or
>>>>>> switch between them (like unplugging a laptop from Ethernet and
>>>>>> then using Airport)?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni

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